
I'm Kerry a Writer Bible Teacher & Coach

Hi, I am Kerry. I am a writer, Bible Teacher and coach. I am also a wife, a mother to three and a local church leader. I am passionate about leading women into freedom and helping them boldly take their place in the Kingdom of God. God has rewritten my story. He has taken me from living a life ruled by fear, shame and defeat and lead me into freedom and abundance that is found in him alone.

I barely graduated high school and pressed pause on my BA in Bible and Theology to get married and build my family. Despite pausing my formal studies I continued to dive deeper into the word of God desperate to know if I could find freedom to the fear, defeat and shame that plagued my heart. I was no longer just studying theology so I could be a missionary or children’s ministry pastor, I was studying theology because I wanted to know God, I wanted to know if true freedom could be found in him. And friends I can tell you God is faithful to show up when you seek him with all your heart. 

Fun Facts about Kerry


I started running about a year ago and it has quickly become a live giving rhythm in my life. It helps me to decompress from feeling overstimulated and helps me to get inside my body and be in the moment. 


Listening to music lights me up and brings me so much joy. I love to put my headphones on, cozy up in my favourite spot with a cup of tea and listen to my current favourite song. I am also known to spontaneously break out in song and dance at home, pretending my life is a musical.


I carry my iPad everywhere! It’s how I study the Bible, take notes sermon notes, plan my life and prepare for coaching sessions. If I lost my iPad, I’d be in serious trouble.

Certified Coach

Go + Tell Gals Certified and Licensed Coach

I have spent most of my life encouraging and uplifting others in ministry helping them to take their place in the body of Christ. I have had the privilege of helping to launch multiply ministries, but struggled to find where it was exactly that I belonged. Through Go Teams God showed me that the passion I had for coming alongside leaders and helping launch ministries was a gift that he had given me. And this passion, this gifting had a name coaching.

In December 2022 I completed the Go and Tell Gals Coaching certification, where I received 26+ hours of active coaching through online and live training sessions. Program was concluded with a 3 day retreat in Charleston which that included a coaching assessment + practical feedback. I continue to receive support, training and coaching from Go and Tell Gals throughout the year. 

Book Kerry to Speak

Book Kerry to Speak Kerry would love to come to your church or event to preach or join your organization or team for a day of coaching. Speaking Inquiry